
Ben Pluta Receives Recognition from Western Illinois University! #207Now #mediaarts #broadcasting @wmth_west @wiucofac @mainewestfab @mwhs207

We recently learned that Maine West junior, Ben Pluta, has been selected by the faculty of the College of Fine Arts and Communications (COFAC) at Western Illinois University to participate in the inaugural COFAC Young Artist Awards Day on Thursday, April 6, 2023

The awards competition recognizes talented high school juniors in various artistic categories, including music, musical theatre, dance, acting, visual arts, broadcasting and journalism. Ben received this recognition for his achievement in broadcasting through his participation in Advanced TV & Film classes at Maine West, as well as his extensive involvement in WMTH.

On April 6, 2023, Ben will be participating in a day of activities at the College of Fine Arts and Communication at Western Illinois University, and will be receiving his award recognition.

Congratulations to Ben and to his broadcasting teacher Ms. Rebecca Orr on this wonderful recognition!


Chamber Music Night #207Now #chambermusic #musiced @mworchestras @mainewestfab


Each year, musicians in the Maine West Orchestra program perform a piece of chamber music literature on the annual Chamber Music Night concert. Chamber music is music for a small ensemble, and is named such because it is intended to be performed in a "chamber" or room of a home for a smaller, more intimate audience (not a large concert hall). At Maine West, Chamber Music Night is performed in the LRC (library) to bring this more personal performance experience to our audience.

Congratulations to the student musicians in the Maine West Orchestra for their performances at Chamber Music Night tonight! Each group performed wonderfully. Thank you to all of the family, friends and fans who came out tonight to support our students!

You can find information about tonight's program HERE.

There are many more pictures from tonight's concert HERE.


Guest Artists Crossing Borders Music Presents "Stories and Music of Resilience" #207Now #guestartists #musiceducation #resilience @mainewestfab @mainewestchoir @crossingbordersmusic

On January 24th, Maine West students in music and social science classes had the opportunity to hear guest artists Crossing Borders Music present a program entitled, "Stories and Music of Resilience." Students learned about social, political, historical and cultural issues and their impact on the music from diverse cultures, as well as how music can be a vehicle to express and celebrate human resilience.

Music performed included:

Amanda John: Yeah...I Hit Like a Girl - Chickasaw Nation (Oklahoma, US)
Cruise Berry: Donne XIV - Chickasaw Nation (Oklahoma, US)
Dmitri Shostakovich: String Quartet No. 8, in C Minor, Op. 110 - Soviet Union
Ching Ju Shih: Mending Broken Fishing Nets - Taiwan
Ástor Piazzolla: Adiós Noniño (Farewell, Granddaddy) - Argentina
Justinian Tamusuza: Mu KKubo Ery 'Omusaalaba (On the Way of the Cross) - Uganda
Florence B. Price: Swing Low, Sweet Chariot, from Five Folksongs in Counterpoint - US

The ensemble also performed three Cambodian pieces, in collaboration with Nisa Pov from the National Cambodian Heritage Museum.

Thank you to Tom Clowes, Jennifer Leckie, Rasa Mahmoudian, Wilfred Farquharson, Nisa Pov, and Kaoru Watanabe for coming to Maine West to share this amazing program!


Maine West and District 62 Collaborate on Art Show at the Des Plaines Public Library #207Now #arteducation @mainewestart @lloyd_mwphoto @lahartanddesign2 @cammARTa120 @62schools @mwactivities

Maine West and District 62 artists will have work featured in the annual D62/MW Des Plaines Library Art Show. Work will be on display from January 19th through 31st. Come out and enjoy the works of these talented young artists!


Speech Team Places at Conant's Comfy Classic! #207Now #speech #forensics @mwactivities @mainewestfab

On Saturday, January 14th, the Maine West Speech Team competed in Conant High School's "Comfy Classic" speech tournament. Elisha Joseph placed 4th in Poetry and Ana Danz placed 6th in Prose. Both of these categories are extremely packed and competitive fields! Congratulations, Elisha, Ana and the entire Speech Team for competing this Saturday!


Maine West & District 62 Band Students Collaborate! #207Now #musiceducation @mainewestband @mainewestfab @d62schools

On Thursday, January 12th, Maine West had the pleasure of hosting the three middle school band programs from Community Consolidated School District 62 - Chippewa Band, Algonquin Band and Iroquois Band. The students collaborated with members of the Maine West Band program in a day of activities that included clinics, sectionals and a side-by-side "Mega Band" rehearsal.

Thank you to the middle school band directors and Mr. Gerstmayr for your work to make this event happen!

More pictures from today's event can be found HERE.


2023 Des Plaines Orchestra Festival #207Now #musiceducation @mworchestras @D62Schools @mainewestfab

The annual Des Plaines Orchestra Festival, a collaborative event between Maine West and Community Consolidated School District 62 middle schools - Chippewa, Algonquin and Iroquois - was a wonderful success! 

Each group performed one piece independently, and then the concert ended with a massive performance of the combined groups playing Gaelic Castle by Soon Hee Newbold. You can watch a video of the finale below.

A digital concert program can be viewed HERE.

Thank you to the District 62 students and their directors for spending the day at Maine West and for all of your wonderful energy throughout the day of rehearsals, sectionals and clinics. Thanks to the directors for all of the planning and logistical work to make today a success.

We look forward to welcoming all of the future Warrior String players and their families to Maine West!

More pictures from tonight's concert can be found HERE.