Showing posts with label Art Contest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Art Contest. Show all posts


Maine West Artist, Ash Carmichael, a Winner of Sun-Times' "The Imagination Project" Art Contest! #207Now #artcontest @Suntimes @mainewestart @lahartanddesign @mainewestfab

Ash Carmichael's piece, Spring is Near, has been named a winner of the Sun-Times' The Imagination Project art contest! 
Read the article about this contest in the Sun-Times HERE. In the article, two Chicago artists, Cheri Charlton and Molly Z., who reviewed the submissions, commented on Ash's work: Ms. Carlton said,“[Ash's] piece is an excellent example of artistic skill both technically and conceptually. I love all the attention to detail you see in the blades of grass, flowers and leaves. The storytelling is quite strong, too. We see a metaphor for the passage of time/seasons/life being created. It’s all heightened by the beautiful, atmospheric details in the sky through the way the clouds are drawn and the way light is used on the far right side of the piece.”
Molly Z. commented, “What an interesting study of the seasons, the passage of time and the beauty and uniqueness of nature! I like how [Ash] is exploring various techniques to render the details, creating both a realistic and mystic quality. This is such an amazing start at portraying how light interacts on the smallest of forms in nature.”

Congratulations, Ash! We are so proud of you!