
Ash Carmichael and Nikhil Nair Selected as Finalists in Screen Test Student Fest 2023 #207Now #filmmakers @wmth_west @mainewestfab

We recently learned that two Maine West students have been selected as finalists in the Screen Test Student Fest film competition! Representing Maine West are the following students:

Ash Carmichael
Nikhil Nair

The Fine Arts Department and the entire Maine West community are so proud of these students for being accepted into this festival. We are honored to have them representing our school.

Screen Test Student Fest is on Friday, April 14th at 7:00 p.m. and will be held at Al Larson Prairie Center for the Arts in Schaumburg (201 Schaumburg Court). Winners of this festival receive a cash prize and will compete the following day in the international round, which is held virtually. The 2nd and 3rd place and audience choice winners also receive a cash prize.

Check out the amazing films created by these students below:

Ash Carmichael's "Expressing Identity Through Art"

Nikhil Nair's "How to Make a 'Dum' Good Biriyani"